
Maha George Zia 

  • IEEE Senior member.
  • Maha George (0000-0002-6808-1287) - My ORCID
  • Assistant Professor
  • General specification: Electrical Engineering
  • Precise specification: Digital Communications Engineering.
  • Received the B.Sc. and MSc. degrees in Electrical Engineering from College of Engineering - Baghdad University, in 1986 and 1992 respectively.
  • Worked at Al_Mustansiria University – College of Engineering – Electrical Engineering Department-Baghdad within (1987-2010).
  • Worked as Assistant Professor since 2011-Nov. 2016 in Software Engineering Department – College of Engineering - Salahaddin University -Erbil.
  • Now she is working as Assistant Professor since Nov. 2016 until now in Electrical Engineering Department – College of Engineering - Salahaddin University -Erbil.
  • Research of interest includes : data communications, multi-carrier systems, channel coding, MIMO systems, LTE , OFDM, mobile communications, and digital signal processing
  • Emails: