
Since childhood i interested in thinking about universe in a logical and systematic way, i was confident that there is nothing done accidentally . From this visualization i chooses studying Civil Engineering.

 I got My B.Sc. in Civil Eng.  from Baghdad University(1981), then M.Sc. degree in Structural Eng. from Mosul University (1989) and PhD. in Structural Eng. from Baghdad University (2001).

After graduation from 1981to 1990 i supervised many engineering projects military and civil in different iraq regions ( Baghdad , Diyala, Mosul, Kirkuk and Erbil). 

Since 1991 i am enjoying teaching structural Eng. i believe and teach my students that to be a successful person you have to do your job with interest and confidence, there is no stupid person, every one has the same amount of brain but the problem is how to use and manage your time and abilities.