
Name: Abdalla Amir Omar

Date of birth: 20-8-1956/    Iraq- Sulaymania

Passport No:A5380520

Academic attainments:

      1- B.Sc in engg.geology-University of Sulaimani-1980

      2-M.Sc. in Remote sensing-University of Baghdad-1985

      3- Ph.D in structural geology and Remote sensing-Salahaddin university-2005

General specialization: geology

Specific specialization: Remote sensing & structural geology

Academic titles attained:

1-    Ass.Lecturer  1986

2-    Lecturer         1989

3-          1996

4-     Prof.                2019

Number supervise graduate students: (10)

The number of committees discussing graduate students: (18)

Subjects under teaching ( B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D Students): Remote sensing, Structural geology, morphotectonic, geomorphology, geological survey, Geotectonic.

Number of researches :( 18)