- B.A, (Accounting) from the college of Administration and Economics / University of Salahuddin (2006)
- M.A, (Accounting) from the College of Administration and Economics / University of Baghdad (2013)
- Academic Title: Assistant Lecturer (the date of obtaining the title 22/7/2013) from the University of Salahuddin
- The number of years of service at the university As Lecturer: 6 years
Material Taught:
- Intermediate Accounting (in Arabic) (year2) in Finance and Banking Department/ college of Administration and Economics / University of Salahuddin.
- Intermediate Accounting (in English) (year2) in Finance and Banking Department/ college of Administration and Economics / University of Salahuddin.
- Specialized Accounting-1- (accounting of banking and hotels) (year3) in the Department of Accounting/ college of Administration and Economics / University of Salahuddin.
- advanced cost (year 4) and advanced Accounting (year 3) in the Department of Accounting/ Hayat Private University for Science & Technology.
- Accounting Information System (year 4) in the department of Accounting/ technical college.
Number of research accomplished: (2)
- A training course on the use of programs (Word - Excel).
- A training course on an operating system (Golden Al-Asseal) (electronic accounting system)
- The central committee of the college exam (3 year)
- The correct exam books