

My name is (Ala Jalal Ahmad). I was born in Erbil, I completed college of science in biology department in (2006-2007) as one of the top ten students from the biology department (Ranked 4th). In 2008 I worked as assistant biology for two years in Practical Food Microbiology Lab,Practical Sewage Microbiology Lab,Practical Animal Physiology Lab and Comparative anatomy Lab. I recieved master degree in Microbiology (Medical bacteriology) with the title of the thesis (Antibacterial profile and exotoxin A gene detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from different sources) from biology department college of science , university of salahaddin since (2011-2013) .  Achieved my academic title as assistant lecture in 2014 , and started teaching (Medical Bacteriology ,Histology,Ecology and Chemistry) in my biology department till now.  

Participated in some courses including the following:

1.Teaching Methods Course in 2014 in Salahaddin University. 2.English Language Training Course in 2010 in language center of Salahaddin University.

I Was member of : Kurdistan Teachers Union Since 2010 and Kurdistan Biologistis Syndicate Since 2008.