Full Name: Dler Dlshad Kurda Rawanduze
Date of Birth: 15/3/1976
I became one of the academic staff at the University of Salahaddin about 23 years ago and graduated from the Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry in the 1996-1997 academic year. Then I was appointed as a University Teaching assistant in 1999 and was accepted in the 2001 M.Sc studies,and got a master's degree in 2003 in the specialty of Industrial organic chemistry ...
In 2009-2010 I accepted a Ph.D. and got a Ph.D. in polymer specialization in 2014 ...
On 4/9/2023, I was promoted from Lecturer to assistant professor in Induintostrial Organic Chemistry - Polymer Synthesis
In 2020-2023 Head of Chemistry Department
From the 2023 till now the Director of the Higher Education and Scientific Affairs unit
Participated in many scientific seminars, Symposium, and cultural and sports gatherings