
I graduated from Saladdin university-Erbil in 2005 in College of Administration & Economics ,Statistics department. I have earned master's degree in applied Statistics in 2013, and I start as assistant lecturer teaching in Statistics department till now, I have been teaching in Statistics Department at Salahaddin University since 2013. I have taught (Principle of Statistics, Computer Applications(Matlab program))

My role as a university lecturer is important in shaping academic and community life. My contributions extend beyond the classroom and greatly impact community development.

My role as a university lecturer is to provide high quality education and guidance to students. I aim to enhance critical thinking and analytical skills, and prepare students to effectively face real-world challenges.   

 I actively participate in community service through various initiatives and projects. By working with local organizations and contributing to community development, I work to improve the quality of life and meet the needs of the community.  

As a university lecturer, my role includes teaching, research, community service and leadership development. Through these efforts, I contribute to the growth and progress of my students and the community.