
faten  mohammed  abed . i got my master degree from  ( Al  mansoura university , Egypte , 2015 ) ,  i have started working   at french department  ,college of languages , salahaddin university since   it was established   in 2004  and still currently working there  ,  i'm   the author  of   " l'occupation américaine et le terrorisme à traverse les sirènes de bagdad de yasmina khadra" ,  in  2015  , i have published  alot of  research  about the litterature francophone and french litterature  the first one was published  at al Azhar university , collage  of  languages   and  translation  ,  , Egypte , n 8  , 2015 in addition    , the  second  one under the title of "the violence à traverser Meursault contre enquête de kamel daoud  " have been published at  on january  2020 ,  and  the  third  under title "l'image  de la guerre à traverse le sang des autres de Simon du beauvoir " have been published at sallahdinne university on february 2021 . the fourth recherche was   under the title The Image of Women in an Unknown Novel by the French writer Patrick Modiano. The fifth research was published in the Journal of the College of Arts at the University of Baghdad in 2023 under the title Cultural Conflict Between the Civilizations of East and West in the novel Star by the Francophone writer Kateb Yacin.