Biography of Dr. Hassan Ghazi KakAmeen
Date of birth: 1/7/1969.
Place of birth: Erbil/ Iraq.
Marital status: Married.
Current address: Department of Earth Sciences and Petroleum; College of Science; Salahaddin University- Erbil.
Academic attainments:
B. Sc., M. Sc. Ph. D. Degrees from Salahaddin University-Erbil in 1991, 2005, and 2019 respectively.
General specialization: Structural Geology and Tectonics
Specific specialization: Structural Geology
Special interests: Folding, Fault-related folds, and Zagros Fold Thrust Belt.
Expert in field study of the NW segment of the Iraqi Zagros Fold Thrust Belt
Academic titles:
1- Ass. Lecturer 2004
2- Lecturer 2019
Subjects under teaching: Ductile Structural Geology (B.Sc., Students).
Brittle Structural Geology (B.Sc., Students).
Reviewer of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences and the Iraqi Geological Journal
Number of researches :( 2) published in the clarivate journals list. (Publisher: SPRINGER HEIDELBERG)
BALAKI, H.G. AND OMAR, A. A. (2018) Clues to inferred different thrust-related fold models and thin-thick skinned tectonics within a single folded structure in Iraqi Zagros, Kurdistan region. Arabian Journal of Geosciences .11. p.1-20. DOI 10.1007/s12517-018-3605-4.
BALAKI, H.G. AND OMAR, A. A. (2019) Structural assessment of the Bradost and Berat structures in Imbricate and High Folded zones—Iraqi Kurdistan Zagros belt. Arabian Journal of Geosciences .12. 106.