
Studied Chemistry in College of Science/Chemistry Department at Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE) and graduated in 2005, (Bachelor's degree in chemistry) ranked number three in the department. In 2005 I was appointed as a Demonstrator in Chemistry department/science college/SUE. In 2007 I studied Master's degree in Physical Chemistry at Science College /SUE and graduated in 2009. I was selected to study Ph.D. at UTM in Malaysia in 2013 (through the Split-site program). I received my Ph.D. degree in [UTM+SUE] of chemistry in (Physical  Naono-Chemistry-Zeolite and Nanomaterials).

My research interest is Zeolite as catalysis, Kinetics, and mechanistic studies of organic reaction. Furthermore, nanotechnology and the synthesis of nanoparticles of zeolites  and their applications in organic chemistry is another field of my interest.