I was born and raised in Erbil city, and educated at Salahaddin High School for girls, I graduated from Biology Department -Microbiology / Science College/ Salahaddin University (Ranked 2nd in Department), Since my graduation I was appointed and worked as assistant biology, after that I got my M.Sc. degree In Mycology/ Microbiology in 2002, Lecturing (Practical Mycology, Practical Cell Biology, Practical Entomology, and Practical Botany) as assistant Lecturer, I Got my Ph. D degree in /mycology in 2009, since then I"m teaching Mycology, Microbial Physiology, in addition of teaching Higher studies students, Ph.D. and Master degree, I supervised 2 Master and High Diploma student, currently I’m supervising a Ph. D. student.
My academic title is Assistant Professor, My interesting field of study is Mycology including Medical fungi (Dermatophytes) and my research including dermatophytes and Identification of Mushroom in Kurdistan Region.
My particular interests and goals in addition to my specialist (Mycology) is Biosafety and Biosecurity, for this purpose I participated in many international conferences and workshops, aiming for raising awareness in order to reducing Biological threatening inside laboratories, currently I worked with team group with the aid of CRDF Global for preparing a standard uniform curriculum for biosafety and biosecurity subject for undergraduate students.