Got B. Sc. from Salahaddin University-Erbil in 2001 in Geology
M.Sc .from Mosul University in 2006 (Sedimentology). The thesis titled (sedimentology of Injana Formation in Baqaq, Bashiqa Mandan Anticlines- North Iraq)
Assistant Lecturer since 2006, Teaching General Geology, Sedimentology, Petroleum Geology, Engineering Geology and Stratigraphy.
Participating in many Field application trips of 4th stage in many areas. also organizing trips to many important Dams of Kurdistan Region.
Ph. D. Student from 2015 till now in the field of Quaternary Sediments of Lesser Zab River- Northern Iraq.
Have one published article in 2021 in Scopus Journal.
I believe in team work and cooperation and renewing all of University sectors from administration and rules till buildings and strategic supplies.