
Ismail Hassaf, is a Kurdish politician and writer. An academic specializing in Kurdology. He is a member of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Kurdish National Council.

He was born in 1953 in Qamishli, Syria. In 1969, he joined the (Left) Kurdish Democratic Party of Syria led by Osman Sabri and then Salah Badradin. In 14, September 1975, he went to Soviet Union, arriving in Moscow. In 1975-1976, he studied his preparatory year in Russian language in the cities Kharkov and Danetsk part of the Ukrainian SSR. and in 1976, he enrolled in Pyatigorsk Institute of Languages. In 1981, he received Masters degree in Pyatigorsk Institute of Languages for Pedagogical Sciences in Russian and English Languages. In October 1981, he got a scholarship in Kurdology Department at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences.  at In 22nd January of 1986, he was granted a PhD in Philosophy of history discussing his thesis(The Kurdish Question in International Relations after World War II) by supervision of Mikhail Simonovich Lazarev. He now holds the Professor rank at the Salahaddin University - Erbil.

He is secretary of the Kurdistan Vanguard Party in Syria as a part of KNC. Some of his political activities include:

  1. In 1982, he founded the organization of (Left) Kurdish Democratic Party of Syria in Europe and USSR.In (1982-1985) he became its secretary.
  2. As a part of the organization, he issued 12 newspaper (Rasty) in Moscow in Arabic language.
  3. In the Summer of 1983, he founded the Student and Youth Association(Yuksi-يوكسي) with some Kurdish activists and students at the Conference held in West Berlin with the participation of more than 12 Kurdistan political parties.
  4. In the congress, he was elected as a member of association's leadership and responsible for Kurdistan Relations in Europe. In which, he participated in the meetings of the Kurdistan Association in West Berlin and Prague in 1983.
  5. He was one of the organizers and planners for a demonstration in Moscow for the intervention of Turkish army in Iraqi-Kurdistan in 1983.