

Assist.Prof. Dr. Ismail Musa Murad




Personal details:


Home address: Zanko village No.of house 63 Erbil, Mobil: 0750 4476917

Work address:

1- Lecturer in College of Education, Depart. Of Physics at (SUE). Erbil , Iraq.

2- Director of Avicenna e-learning Center at (SUE).


Date and place – of birth:  1952-Diyla xanaqin, Iraq.


Gender Marital status:  Male, Married, Four children.


E-mail:  [email protected] ---- [email protected]


Citizenship: Iraqi



1-      2005: A warded Ph.D in Astrophysics, University of Salahaddin, Physical Dept., Erbil   Iraq.

2-          1982: A warded M.Sc. degree in Astronomy, University of Manchester, United Kingdom.

3-  1975: Complete B.Sc. degree, in Physics, college of science, University of     Baghdad, Iraq. 


4-   1970: Took baccalaureate, Khanaquin Secondary school, Diyla, Iraq.