1. Master (Business Administration) College of Administration and Economics, Salahaddin University - Erbil (2003).
2. Scientific title: Assistant Professor (the date of obtaining the title as of (1/11/2017).
3. The number of years of service as a teacher at the university: (21) years.
4. The subjects I taught: Principles of Business Administration, Marketing Management, Organization Theory, Secretarial and Office Management, Strategic Management, Insurance and Risk Management, Human Resources Management.
5. Number of completed researches: (7).
a) The Extent Practiced Smart Leadership by The Heads of Scientific Departments and Its Role in The Job Performance of Teachers: An Analytical Study from Opinions of a Sample of Teachers in The Scientific International Confrance on Accounting, Business, Economic and Politics ISBN:978-9922-9036-3-7 ICABEP 2023
b) Employees’ Perceptions on the Relationship Between Employee Job Satisfaction and Organizational Change: Empirical Study at Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Kurdistan Region Third International Conference on Accounting, Business, Economics and Politics, June 29th-30th, 2021
c) اثر علاقات الزبون في تعزيز مواقف الزبون مجلة علمية دورية محكمة تصدر عن الجامعة اللبنانية الفرنسية -اربيل , كوردستان, العراق ISSN: 2518-6566 June 2020
d) تشخيص واقع التحالف التسويقي في الشركات الخدمية للاتصالات (دراسة استطلاعية لاراء عينة من مدراء شركة فاست لينك الاتصالات في مدينة اربيل Journal of Erbil Polytechnic university P: 7 NO.:2 June 2017
e) The Impact of Promotional Mix Elements on Consumers Purchasing Decisions: Journal for Studies in Management and Planning e-ISSN: 2395-0463 Volume 02 Issue 1 January 2016
f)دور عناصر الزيج التسويقي الخدمي 7 في تحقيق الميزة التنافسية (دراسة حالة جامعة حياة الخاصة للعلوم والتكنولوجيا) Journal of Salahaddin university PP: 213-224 NO.:6 June 2016
g) تحليل دور المهارات الشخصية في ابعاد تسويق الذات دراسة استطلاعية لاراء عينة من اطباء العيادات الخاصة في مدينة اربيل Journal of Koya Universty ISSN: 2073-0713 NO.:23 June 2012
6. The courses in which I participated: course on the use of programs (Word - Excel), an English language course.
7. Committees in which I participated: Central Examination Committee of the College (3 years).
8. The administrative positions she held: Course of the Business Administration Department, evening shift in the College of Administration and Economics, Salahaddin University - Erbil.
9. Languages I know:
a. Kurdish language is excellent.
B. The Arabic language is excellent.
C. English is good.
D. The Polish language is excellent