
Dr.Kasim is from Kurdistan Region-Iraq. M.Sc. in High power Microwave tubes. Researcher & Lecturer at Salahaddin University, 44002 Erbil, Kurdistan Region-Iraq since 2002. His PhD, has been received at the Salahaddin University in Material Science. Current research interests are solid-laser glasses, Photons, Raman spectroscope and energy levels in rare earth materials. His research activities mainly involve in the fabrication and characterization of solid laser glass active mediums.

He had 24 researchs (National and International publications) items with more than 214 citations (h-index:6, i10-index:5) and Research Interest Score of (257.5)

According to ResearchGate website, he has a 10 RG score with more than 53,000 reads.

Dr.Kasim was a Registrar at College of Education for about three years (2002-2005) and he was the programmer at it is Undergraduate and Postgraduate Examination Committee. At 2012 he was the Planer Manager of the College for two years.

He joined the Split-Site program between Salahaddin University (SUE) and University of Technology, Malaysia (UTM) during his PhD study.

He is  a very active member in a lot committees at his college and University level specially in organizing workshops and conferences. 

As a Muslim, Kurdish, and a beloved individual, he has a lot to be proud of.

My ORCID is (0000-0003-4308-6185)