
Qualifications and Affiliations:

- B.Sc. In Statistics, June 1992, Statistics Department, College of Administration And Economics, University of Salahaddin /Erbil-Iraq (one of the top 3 students) (Second).

- M.ScIn Statistics, May 2/5/2002, Statistics Department, College of Administration and Economics, University of Salahaddin /Erbil-Iraq (Got the Excellence estimation in the MSc.), Specialization (Multivariate Analysis).

- Ph.D In Statistics, 17/5/2012, Department of Statistics, College of Administration And Economics, University of Salahaddin /Erbil-Iraq (Got high very good estimation in the Ph.D), Specialization (Mathematical Statistics).

Teaching Activities:

1.    Word and Windows.for 1st year undergraduate students, Economics Department, college of administration & economics,University of Salahuddin/ Erbil-Iraq.

2.    Introduction to statistics. for 1st year undergraduate students, accounting Department, , cihan University /Erbil- Iraq.

3. Probability Theory. for 2nd year undergraduate students, statistics Department, college of administration & economics,University of Salahuddin/Erbil- Iraq.

4.    Basic Programming. for 2rd year undergraduate students, statistics Department, college of administration & economics,University of Salahuddin/Erbil- Iraq.

5.    Linear Algebra. for 2rd year undergraduate students, statistics Department, college of administration & economics,University of Salahuddin/Erbil- Iraq.

6.    Mathematical Statistics.for 3th year undergraduate students, statistics   Department, college of administration & economics,University of Salahuddin/Erbil- Iraq.

7. Regression Analysis. for 3th year undergraduate students, statistics Department, college of administration & economics,University of Salahuddin/Erbil- Iraq.

8. Operations Research. for 3th year undergraduate students, statistics Department, college of administration & economics,University of Salahuddin/Erbil- Iraq.

9. Econometrics. for 4th year undergraduate students, statistics Department, college of administration & economics,University of Salahuddin/Erbil - Iraq.

10. Multivariate Analysis. for 4th year undergraduate students, statistics Department, college of administration & economics,University of Salahuddin/Erbil - Iraq.

11. Staistical Inference. for 4th year undergraduate students, statistics Department, college of administration & economics,University of Salahuddin/Erbil - Iraq.

12 Econometrics. forMSccandidates in the statistics Department, college of administration & economics,University of Salahuddin/Erbil - Iraq.

13. Applications of Computer SPSS for MSc candidates in the administration Department, college of administration & economics,University of Salahaddin/Erbil - Iraq.

14.R - Programming Language for MSc candidates in the Statistics Department, college of administration & economics, University of Salahaddin/Erbil - Iraq.

Scientific activity:

1-Assistant Teacher  in 2002.

2-Teacher  in 2012.

3-Assistant Professor in 2016

4-I have (7) Scientific research in the science of statistics published in various scientific journals.

5-I have the supervision of the one Master of Science in Statistics.

6-I subscribe to several committees discuss the Master of Letters.

7-I have several different scientific seminars in the science of statistics.

Scientific committees

1 - a member of the faculty of the Department of Statistics / Faculty of Administration and Economics / University of Salahaddin / Erbil - Iraq. 

2 - Member of the Scientific Committee of the Department of Statistics.

3 - Join the several committees Examination of the Faculty of Business and Economics.

Software Experience:

Normal User for:

‐ R Language  in statistical applications.



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