
Name: Prof. Dr. Mahbuba Abdulghani Mustafa

Mobile: +964 (0) 750 455 5119    or    +964 (0) 770 2233 929

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Address: Dr. Mahbuba Abdulghani Mustafa /

Dept. of Animal Resources / College of Agriculture /

Salahaddin University-Erbil.


Job Title


Degrees: MSc. in Agricultural Sciences \ General Avian Physiology/ Baghdad University- Iraq, 2002. The Thesis about (effect of different levels of dehydrated alfalfa meal uses on productive and physiological traits of White Leghorn layers during summers)


PhD. in Agricultural Sciences\ Avian Physiology/ Baghdad University- Iraq, 2007. The Thesis about (Effect of Magnetic Technology of water treatment on productive and physiological performance of embryos, broiler breeders' and hatched chicks in different climates).


Researches that Published:

1. Effect of dehydrated alfalfa meal on some semen characteristics of White Leghorn males reared during summer season. The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Science, 37 (1): 173-180, 2006.

2. Effect of feeding White Leghorn layers different levels of dehydrated alfalfa meal on some physiological characteristics and maternal acquired immunity of hatched chick in high temperature. The 1st Scientific Conference of Iraqi Poultry Science Association in Sulaymania. Vol (2) No. 2. 2007.

3. Effect of magnetically treated water as humidity source in hatchery on embryonic development and hatches for eggs had taken from broiler breeders treated with magnetically water. Iraqi Poultry Science Association. Vol (3) 2008.

4. Effect of magnetically treated water on production traits & egg quality of broiler breeders Cobb-500 during Summer. Iraqi Poultry Science Association. Vol (4) 2009.

5. Effect of magnetically treated water on productive performance of broiler chickens under heat stress in Summer. The 3rd Conference of Iraqi Poultry Science Association in Kufa 2010.

6. Effect of inovo injection of glutamine on hatching, ileum histological and blood traits for hatched chicks. Duhok 1st Conference in April 2012.

7. Effects of Magnetically Treated Water on Male Sexual Traits in Broiler Breeder During Hot Climate in Summer. Mesopotamia Agriculture Journal, Vol.40, No. 4, 2012.

8. Effect of lysine, methionine and its mixture Injection in broiler breeder eggs in physiological and immunological traits after hatching. Anbar Agriculture Journal, Vol.10, No. 1, 2012.

9. Effect of Diet Supplementation with Anise Seed and Oil on Production performance and egg quality of Broiler Breeder. Anbar Agriculture Journal, Vol.10, No. 1, 2012.

10. تأثير إستخدام الخليط التآزري ( Synbiotic ) كتغذية مبكرة في الأداء الإنتاجي لفروج اللحم (براءة أختراع)- 2011.

11. تأثير أستخدام التقنية المغناطيسية في الصفات الأنتاجية والنوعية لبيض أمهات فروج اللحم وعلى صفات الفقس والتطور الجنيني وبعض الصفات ما بعد الفقس (براءة أختراع)- 2012.

12- Effect of different levels of Sumac and garlic on productive and physiological characteristics in broiler chickens. Mesopotamia Journal of Agriculture. Vol (40), No. (3), 2012.

13- Glucose-D inovo injection effects on hatching, blood and immunological characteristics for quail chicks. Mesopotamia Journal of Agriculture. Vol (40), No. (3), 2012.

14- Using of Dried Betony and peppermint in Broiler Diets on Performance, Hematological and Immunity Response. Diyala Agricultural Science Journal, Vol (5), No. (2), 2013.

15. Effect of adding acetic acid in drinking water on reproductive, blood and small intestine histological traits in broiler chickens. Diyala Agricultural Science Journal, Vol (6), No. (1), 2014.

16- A comparison of performance, reproductive and physiological traits of three different lines of local quail. Journal of University of Duhok   the 2nd Scientific Agricultural Conference Vol (19) No. (1), 2016.

17- Effect of Functional Feed Additives on Egg Production, Hatchability and Hematological Traits of Japanese Quails During Summer Condition. The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 48, No. Special, 2017.

18- Effect of High Protein DDGS Uses on Productive Performance, Physiological and Immunological Traits of Broiler. Diyala Agricultural Scientific Journal, Vol. (9), No. (2), 2018.

19- The effect of heat stress on oxidative stress and antioxidant status in local quail hens supplemented with onion and garlic oils. Tikrit Agricultural Scientific Journal, Vol. (19), No. (1), 2019.

20- impact of ginger powder supplementation in broiler diet on the immune statue development and small intestine morphology. Basra Journal of Veterinary Research, vol. 17 (2), 2018.

21- Effect of eucalyptus leaves and its supplementation with diet on broiler performance, microbial and physiological statues to alleviate cold stress. The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Science, (accepted 2018).

22- Application of magnetic technology in local quail house and hatchery on performance, reproductive and physiological traits under heat stress. Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Vol. 33, No. 2, 2019 (259-266)

23- Effect of calcium and Cole vit D3 inovo injection on hatchability, bone and blood biochemical development at posthatch. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences –2019:50(3):850- 856.

24- Effects of Optifeed® and Oleobiotec® on broiler performance and immunity. International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, Volume-7, Issue-4, Oct.-2019,

25- The dietary impact of clove and cinnamon powders and oil supplementations on the performance, ileum morphology, and intestine bacterial population of quails. Plant Archives Vol. 20, No. 1, 2020 pp. 1503-1509.


26- Effect of bay leaf (Laurus nobilis L.) Powder and Oil Additives on Reproductive Performance and some hormones indicators of Quails. Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences –2020:20(1).

27- The impact of powders and oil additives of cinnamon and clove in quail diet as antistressor and antioxidant during hot months. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences –2020:51(2).

28- Impact of adding serotonin, tryptophan and Optifeed in drinking water on broiler behavior, performances growth and some biochemical traits of blood. Mesopotamia J. of Agric. Vol. (48) No. (4) 2020.

29- Evaluation of Morning and Evening Milk Traits in Some Dairy Animals in Erbil City. Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences (2021) 21 (3):75-81.

30- The effectiveness of some medicinal plants on body performance, hematological, ileum morphology and immune statue of Japanese quail. The Iraqi journal of Agricultural Sci. vol. 53, Issue 5, 2022 (accepted).

31- Impact of magnetically treated water on milk traits and blood biochemical changes of Awassi ewes during pre- and postpartum. Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences 23 (1), 1-11.

32- The incidence of adding Gingko biloba and Curcumin extracts in drinking water on Body growth, hematological and immune statues of New Zealand White rabbit. Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences 23 (1), 17-24

33- Effect of neurotransmitters in drinking water and some medicinal flowers in broiler diet additives on body performances and some immune parameters. Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences 23 (4), 107-116

34- Effect of adding natural and synthetic antioxidants to broiler drinking water as antistressor on productivity, antioxidant statues and hematological traits under heat stress. Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences 24 (1), 94-104.

35- Improving Behavior, Immune Statue and Growth of Broilers by Adding Some Neurotransmitters in Drinking Water and Hero Flowers (Alcea Kurdica) in Diets. Egypt. J. Vet. Sci. Vol. 55, No. 4, pp. 1067-1075 (2024).


Book published:

1. هةلَهيَناني دةستكرد (Artificial Hatching) , كتاب للمرحلة العاشرة / قسم الثروة الحيوانية / أعدادية الزراعة. وزارة التربية . اقليم كردستان العراق. 2010.


1- Effect of lysine and methionine Injection in broiler breeder eggs in different ages on embryonic development, Hatchability, physiological and immunological traits after hatching directly. (Higher Deploma Thesis, 2010), Payam Sadiq/ University of Salahaddin-Erbil.

2- Effect of Supplementation Seed and Oil Anise on Production performance and Immunity in Breeder Broiler and Broiler Chickens. (MSc. Thesis, 2011), Hozan Ahmed/ University of Salahaddin-Erbil.

3- The Effect of Different Levels of Dried Peppermint and its Oil on Japanese quail Egg production and Quality, Hatchability and Physiological Profile. (MSc. Thesis, 2013), Alaa Abdulmajeed/ University of Salahaddin-Erbil.

4- Effect of Different Levels of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Leaves Powder on Reproductive Traits in Broiler Breeder and Immune Response in Hatching Chicks. (MSc. Thesis, 2015), Delman Dler/ University of Salahaddin-Erbil.

5- Effect of Bay leaf (Laurus nobilis L.) Additives on performance and Physiological Traits of Local Quails. (MSc. Thesis, 2017), Seerwan Naser/ University of Salahaddin-Erbil.

6- Influence of some aromatic plants additives as anti-stressor to the quail diets on productive performance and physiological traits during summer months. (PhD. Thesis), Pakiza Hamira/ University of Salahaddin-Erbil (2020).

7- Effect of Adding Serotonin, Tryptophan and Optifeed® in Drinking Water on Broiler Behaviour, Production Performances and Hematological Traits. (MSC Thesis), Rand Rostam Mohammed/ University of Salahaddin-Erbil (2021).


* Researches that achieved with Animal Resources Department, Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture on poultry project to improve and development of local (Kurdi line layers Chicken)

1-Study of blood traits and immunity of hatched local and commercial layer.

2- Effect of dehydrated alfalfa meal on reproductive traits of local and commercial layer roosters.

3. Effect of dehydrated alfalfa meal on blood traits and immunity of hatched local and commercial layer.

4. Effect of dehydrated green tea on production, egg quality traits and hatching traits of local and commercial layer.

5. Effect of dehydrated alfalfa meal on blood traits and immunity of hatched local and commercial layer.

Training Course:

1- Wheat storage Electrophoresis analysis. ICARDA – ALEPO- Surya, 17th-26th March, 2009.

2- Power Lab Data Acquisition Systems as Modern and Advanced High-Tech Instruments for Teaching and Research. Medical Research Center- Hawler Medical University. 22nd – 23rd February, 2012.

3- Online Course Development. University of Salahaddin-Erbil, Avicenna Center of E- Learning. 5th-9th May, 2013.

4- IBRO Course in Neuroscience. IBRO Organization in Dept. of Biology, College of Science, University of Salahaddin-Erbil. 11th-19th March, 2014.

5- Management and livestock/ Poultry project. Groenhorst Bareneveld International in Netherland. 6th-21st August, 2015.

Conferences: Participated by full-paper or poster:

1- 1st Scientific Conference of Iraqi Poultry Science Association in Sulaymania. 2007.

2- The 3rd Conference of Iraqi Poultry Science Association in Kufa 2010.

3- The 3rd Conference of University of Mosul/ College of Agriculture & Forestry, 2012.

4- The 1st Conference of Agricultural College/ University of Duhok. April 2012.

5- The 2nd Conference of Diyala University/ College of Agricultural. December, 2013.

6- APPC 2014 the 10th Asia pacific poultry conference. Seoul, Korea, 2014. (poster).

7- The 1st Conference of Agricultural College/ University of Duhok. April 2012.

8- The 2nd Conference of Iraqi Forum Inventors. Sulaimani University. May, 2017.

9- PSA Annual Meeting – Orlando World Center Marriott. Orlando-Florida- USA, 17-20  July 2017. (Accepted)

10- Effects of Optifeed® and Oleobiotec® on broiler performance and immunity.

673rd International Conference on Food and Agricultural Engineering (ICFAE) Rome, Italy 20th - 21st August, 2019



تأثير إستخدام الخليط التآزري ( Synbiotic ) كتغذية مبكرة في الأداء الإنتاجي لفروج اللحم (براءة أختراع1- 2011- (

2-   تأثير أستخدام التقنية المغناطيسية في الصفات الأنتاجية والنوعية لبيض أمهات فروج اللحم وعلى صفات الفقس والتطور الجنيني وبعض الصفات ما بعد الفقس (براءة أختراع)- 2012.


1-    جائزة الأبداع العلمي – وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي –جمهورية العراق. 2013

2-    الميدالية الذهبية / منتدى المخترعين العراقيين بالتعاون مع جامعة السليمانية. 2017 (Golden medallion)

الميدالية الذهبية / منتدى المخترعين العراقيين بالتعاون مع الجامعة الأمريكية في السليمانية. 3- 2019- (Golden medallion)