
I am a Professor of Political Sociology at the Department of Sociology with a Bachelor's degree (B.A.) in Sociology from the College of Arts - Salahaddin University in 1987 (  I hold two Master's Degrees; the first (Master of Arts) in Sociology from the College of Arts - University of Baghdad in 1990 ( The second (Master of Science) was in Politics and Sociology from Birkbeck College, the University of London in 1999. (  I obtained my (Ph.D.), in Political Sociology at the College of Social Sciences and International Studies, at Exeter University, UK in 2009. (  Having studied in four different Universities across the globe in the cities of Erbil, Baghdad, London, and Exeter, I have developed key skills in teaching and managing. I lectured in the Department of Sociology at Salahaddin University since 1991.  From 2007 to 2009, I lectured at the Political Sciences Department for all levels; Bachelor's, Master's, and Ph.D. I have taught in the Social Work Department since its establishment in 2008 till 2023. My research is methodologically diverse, theoretically grounded, and empirically driven. I employ qualitative and quantitative research methods that engage with theories and debates on Social & Political Thought, Kurdish nationalism, ethnicity, national identity, and state-society relations in Iraq and the Middle East. My interests include the Sociology of Nationalism, Historical Sociology, and Social & Political Theories. Much of my work is inherently interdisciplinary, cutting across research in Sociology, Political Science, Social Thought, and Gender Studies.  I am particularly interested in the work of Max Weber on Politics and Religion and Emile Durkheim's Study of Religion. I have taught various graduate and postgraduate subjects in Sociology, Media Studies, and Political Sciences Departments in Public and Private Universities in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. From January 2021 to January 2023, I taught (Modern Kurdish History & Politics) at The American University of Kurdistan, AUK – Duhok on a part-time basis. I have supervised many Masters at the University of Kurdistan – Hawler, and Ph.D. students in the field of Sociology, Social Work, Political Sciences, and Gender Studies. I was an internal and external examiner at many Universities; Salahaddin, Duhok, Sulaimani, Soran, Baghdad, and Mosul. I'm a member of the editorial board of the Kurdistani Journal for Strategic Studies and Zanco Journal of Human Sciences of Salahadin University. Since October 2011, I have been working as a Deputy General Director of Scholarships and Cultural Relations at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Erbil.