

2012-2017: (Ph.D in Pol.Sys.). The title of the thesis is “The İslamic Political Parties and Groups in Post-Invasion Iraq and Their Impact on the Transition Process Towards Democracy”, Department of Politics & International Relations, College of Admin. & Eco Sciences Faculty, University of Gazi, Turkey. 

2006-2008: (M.A. in Politics & IR). Department of Politics & International Relations, College of Admin. & Eco Sciences Faculty, University of Gazi, Turkey. The title of the thesis is  “Shia’s New Position after Saddam Era in Iraq and Their Possible Political Impact on The Gulf States

2000-2005: (B.A. in Politics & IR), Department of Politics & IR, Administration and Economic Faculty - University of Gazi, Turkey. 


2017 Lecturer of IR, Department of Political Sciences, College of Political Sciences, University of Salahaddi. 

2010: Asst. Lecturer of Politics & IR, Department of Political Sciences, College of Law and Political Science, University of Salahaddin. 

2022: Asst. Professor of Political System, Department of Political System & Public Diplomacy, College of Political Science, University of Salahaddin.