
Narmen Ali Darbandi


Ph.D .archaeology and history in universite de Versailles France 2001.

MSc.archaeology and history  in universite de Versailles France 1997. history in University of Salahddin -Erbil 1990. 

 Lecturer in salahaddin university : Department of Archaeology since 2004.

Supervision of 2 mastre thesis in archaeology islamic universite Erbil and membre of jurys 4 Mastre in archaeology islamic university of Sorboone-Pris   

Participation in international conference about : Archaeolog and heritg of Hawler-Erbil 8-9 .05 .2018( in Erbil) 

Participation in workshop about: Kirkouk civilzation through the ages at Salahddin university 17.04.2018.; Departement of Archaeology

Participation in workshop about: Cultural heritag preservation at Salahddin university 10.04.2018; Departement of Architecture and IFPO ( the French institute in near east ) 

Participation in" comité conseils  de Institut du monde arabe-Paris" for " expositions chrétiens d'Orient  2000 d'histoire " 26.09.2017 jusque 14.01.2018   

Participation in workshop: the preservation heritag at Salahddin university, 16.10.2017 departement of Architecture and IFPO( the French institute in near east)   

Co-direction of French arcaeological mission of excavations in Bazyan, Sulymaniah 2011-2016.

Membre of direction French arcaeological mission of excavations in Qasri Shamamok,  Erbil 2011-2017

Associte mebre of research unit Orient et Méditerranées( UMR8167) CNRS,Paris since 2007

2013-2015 co-direction of the Czeck archaeological MULINEM ( Medieval Urban Landscape in Northeastern Mesopotamia)

 Participation in table ronde" Patrimoine chrétien  de l'Orient)Institut du Monde Arabe, 2016.06.06 


Participation excavation in the Erbil citadel 2013


Les décors des croix portatives de Bazyan, dans EMMS, ( etudes Mésopotamiennes), 2018 

Etude numismatique de deux Fals Nohasi atabékides de Tell Kilik Mishik, à Erbil, dans EMMS  etudes Mésopotamiennes), 2018.

Hinterland of Arbil City : A Survey of Tell Baxçan, Iraqi Kurdistan, dans  EMMS, ( etudes Mésopotamiennes), 2018 

Qasr  Shemamok -Kilizu( Kurdistan d'Irak), les campages de 2012(  6avril-20mai et 11-31octobre) dans  EMMS, ( etudes Mésopotamiennes), 2018 

The site of Bazyan: historical and archaeological investigations in the archaeology of Kurdistan region of iraq and adjacent regions, edited by K.Kopanias and J.MacGinnis,  Oxford,2016 

Medieval urban landscap in northeastern mesopotamia  Oxford, 2016 (book) 

A medival city within Assrian walls: the continuity of the town of Arbil in northern Mesopotamia, Irak, 2013, n.75

Fonctions exercees

Organization of scintific colloquiums and archaeological excavations.

Translation ( Kurdish, Arabic and French)


Expositions of photos in IFPO- Erbil 2015

Expositions of paintings in Hammam of Qalaa  - citadel -Erbil 2013

Expositions of ceramic paintings from  north mesopotamian in French centre cultural-Erbil 2010