
Nssar A. Rauf works as a lecturer in the Physics Department at Salahaddin University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. She received her Bachelor’s degree from the College of Science at Salahaddin University in 2005. Later, in 2012, she completed her Master of Science degree in Theoretical Physics, Nanoscience, and Solid State Physics at Salahaddin University. Her research focused on “Model Modification for Calculating Lattice Volume and Size-Dependent Melting Temperature of Solid Nanoparticles,” supervised by Prof. Dr. Mustafa Saeed Omar.

In May 2024, Nssar A. Rauf obtained her PhD degree from the College of Science at Salahaddin University. Her doctoral research, supervised by Prof. Dr. Mustafa Saeed Omar, explored “The Impact of Pressure, Grain Boundary, and Alloying on Lattice Thermal Conductivity in the InAs/GaAs System: Thin Film and Superlattice Structures.”

Throughout her academic career, she has taught various subjects to undergraduate students, including General Physics (Theory and Lab), Academic Skills, Heat and Thermodynamics Lab, Optics Lab, and Electricity Lab.