I have got BSc degree in Biology, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq, 2007-2008, then MSc degree in Blood Physiology, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq, 2012-2015 and PhD in Molecular Physiology, Salahaddin University, Kurdistan, Iraq in collaboration with Department of Biology and Biotechnology "L.Spallanzani", University of Pavia, Italy, 2019 (Excellent- 95%). In my research field, I am mainly focusing on assessing the role of Intracellular Ca2+ signalling in different human pathogenic and physiologic conditions, by challenging variable approaches including, Primary and immortalized cell culturing and expansion, Life-cell imaging, immunohistochemical analysis, Molecular base techniques, TEM, WB, qRT-PCR, pharmacological and genetic manipulation and functional assays.
Software skills, Microsoft office, Origin, GraphPad, Image J.
Languages: Kurdish (Mother language), Arabic, English and Italian
• Kurdistan Biology Syndicate (2008- Up to date)
• Italian Society of Cardiovascular Research, regular member (2021-Up to date)
• Global Burden of Disease Collaborator (2019-Up to date): University of Washington, USA
• European Association of Cancer Research, Member
• MDPI board reviewer (Cancers, Cells, IJMS and Nutrients).
Grants awards:
Research grant provided by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAECI) 2019
Travel grant, SIRC forum 2022, Bari, Italy
Academic titles, Assistant Biology 2008-2012, Assistant, Lecturer 2015-2019, Lecturer, 2019 - Up to date.
Co-supervised 6 Italian Master students.
For my research publications please visit my google scholar profile.