
I graduated with an honour degree from the College of Education, Department of Biology in 2005 and obtained B.Sc. in Biology. Been assigned as lab demonstrator in the same department between 2005-2008 in Education College /Biology Dept. This included practical Biology (such as Microbiology, Plant physiology, animal physiology) in the laboratories. 

I then started to study M.Sc./Microbiology in 2008-2010 at Salahaddin University-Erbil and successfully got my M.Sc. in 2011. Then, I started to work in the same department, as an assistant lecturer. The teaching experience is practical in Microbiology, Pathogenic Bacteria, Immunology, and Zoology.

Finally, I got a Ph.D. in Medical Microbiology at the College of Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil in 2020.