
PhD in Ancient Archaeology, Salahaddin University/ Erbil.The topic of my PhD is about (The Rivers in Northern Mesopotamia in the Light of Cuneiform Texts and Artistic Scenes During the Neo-Assyrian period, (2024).

M.A: Thesis: (The Flowing Vase  and its Relations With  God of  Water  Enki  and its Alternatives in  Mesopotamian Arts.(2009).

B.A Salahaddin University/Erbil– Archaeology(Ancient Archaeology) ( 2005)

-Faculty member in the Department of   Archaeology/College of Arts / Salahaddin   University  Erbil since 20/10/ 2005–up to now.

Research Assistant-2005 to 2006. 

Member of the Syndicate of the Archaeologists' Kurdistan.-


1. Field Excavation in Tell-Qasra /Ankawa from Erbil Administration of Archaeology & Culture – (October-November2003and 2004).

2. Field Excavation in Citadel of Erbil By Mission Czech(2011-2012).