I graduate from Mosul University in 1985 (Ranked 6th in collage).
In 1990 I finished my M.Sc. degree in Salahaddin University, and start as Assistant Lecturer, in Parasitology, Department of Biology, College of Education, Salahaddin University, teaching practical Parasitology, invertebrate, Zoology and Chordate.
In 2002 I finished my PhD degree in in Parasitology, Department of Biology, College of Education (Ibn Al-Haitham), University of Baghdad, Iraq. In 2010 Professor of Fish Parasitology. Department of Biology, College of Education, University of Slahaddin, Iraq.In 2014 Professor of Fish Parasitology. Department of Fish Resource and Aquatic Animal, College Agriculture, University Salahaddin- Erbil- Iraq.