
Educated in Iraq and Ukraine. Graduated in July 2005 with a First Ten Class Honors Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Salahaddin, Iraq. This was followed by the Diploma in Russian language in Kharkov National Academy of Municipal Economy as a preparation step for studying Master of Science degree from Ukraine, in College of Engineering, Machine building Faculty, Kharkov polytechnic University. Then received her doctorate in Applied Mechanics from Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, Salahaddin University.

From 2006 she was on the college of the Mechanical Engineering Department at Salahaddin University as a teaching assistant. From 2010-2020 she was at the Engineering collage in Mechanical department as Assistant Lecturer teaching Mechanical Design, Control Engineering, C++ Programming, CAD, and MATLAB software. In 2012-2014 she worked as vise head of Mechanical department. As well as she participated in several collage and department committees such as Examination, quality assurance and student’s absence recording.

The research concentrates in applied mechanics, pneumatic machines and control sciences and applications on the design of mechanical systems, their control by Programmed Logic Controllers, vibration analysis of engineering systems and components, with emphasis on analysis; design; and their steady, unsteady and transient performance. My personal research concentrates on vibration analysis of Fluidic flexible Matrix Composite tubes on a cantilever beam.