

شعار جامعة صلاح الدين (أربيل)

My full name is Suzan Musheer Hamad. I was born in 1967 in Erbil.

- Researcher / School of Arabic/ Salahaddin University/ 2000-2008

Academic Career:

- BA /  Mosul University/  College of Art /  Arabic   Language : 1993 .       

- MA / Salahaddin University -  / College of Language/ 2008  /

- PhD / Mosul University - College of Art/ 2015/ Thesis Title: Narrative criticism of sahid yaqtin  / Year 2015

Published books and scientific research:

جدل الهوية في رواية غريق المرايا

التعليم الرقمي المدرسي لمادة ادب الأطفال النقد السردي للخطاب عند سعيد يقطين


Modernity in the production of sherko bekas`s poetry-

 Code in the poetry of Qazi Muhammad

.Conferences and courses attended:

Participation in conferences and seminars  - The Second International Conference of Soran University / Erbil: (Technology and Education), 2018.  - Electronic digital education for children's education, the international conference. 2020  - Strategies for innovation in scientific research, the international conference of the academic dispatch platform. 2021.

teaching fields: Bachelor's degree: teaching subjects: (modern Arabic literature, texts, Andalusian literature, Islamic literature, Umayyad, children's literature, Abbasid literature). - Master's degree: Teaching subjects: (Narratives and Narrative Criticism),  Ph.D. teaching materials: (narratives, and literary discourse analysis)

Other Affiliations, Memberships, and Contributions:

  -Membership and other literary events: Member of the International University Association 2019--2022.

 -Member of the academic dispatch platform. Year of affiliation: 2020-2021.

-Member of the I want educational platform: 2019-2020.