Name: Dr. Suzan Muhamad Nur Muhamad
Scientific Title: Assistant professor
Date and place of birth: 27st of feb 1977, kirkuk, Iraq
Material status: Married
Languages: Kurdish, Arabic and English
Specialize : Ruminant nutrition
Address: Iraq/ Erbil/ New zanko village
PhD: in Ruminant nutrition from Mosul university/College of agriculture and forestry/animal production at 2015.
MSc: in Animal nutrition from Sulaimani university/ College of agriculture /animal production at 2007 .
BSc: in Animal resources from Salahaddin university/ College of agriculture /animal resources at 2000.
I still working in Salahaddin university/ College of agriculture /animal resources and I have ( 7 ) researches on ruminant nutrition.
1-Response of Karadi Lambs to Urea-Treated and Non-Treated Barley Straw with Two Levels of Rumen Undegradable Nitrogen ,Shakir A. Hassan* and Suzan.M. N. Muhamad ,1815-8625 (2009),5(1):98-110 المجلة الاردنية العالمية في العلوم الزراعية
2- تاثير استخدام التبن المعامل وغير المعامل باليوريا مع مستويين من النتروجين غير المتحلل في الكرش في صفات ذبائح الحملان الكرادية. 2009 .شاكر عبد الامير حسن وسوزان محمد نور محمد. مجلة التقنى علمية محكمةISSN 1818-653 X.. (2009), 22(1):197-213.
3- Effect of adding yeast culture to ration on the performance and some blood parameters of Arabi fattening lambs.2012. Suzan M.N. Muhamad . Egyption J. Nutrition and feeds. ISSN 1110-6360. (2012),15(1):23-30
4- تاثير تقنين البروتين في هضم المركبات الغذائية و ميزان النتروجين و طبيعة بعض مكونات سائل الكرش في الحملان الكرادية.2018. سوزان محمد نور محمد و صباح عبدو شمعون. مجلة جامعة كركوك للعلوم الزراعية.ISSN 2221-0482.المجلد(9) العدد (1) 2018.
5- Response of local karadi lambs for feeding by adding molasses and date to urea treated straw. 2020. Adnan Heme Seid Resol, Suzan Muhamad Nur Muhamad, Nawzad Mohammad Aziz and Nidhal Aabdlgani Mustafa. Plant Archives Vol. 20, Supplement 2, pp. 1122-1125 e-ISSN:2581-6063 (online), ISSN:0972-5210
6- Effect of Nutritionals Values of Urea-Treated Straw with the Addition of Molasses and Dates on Nutrient Digestibility, Nitrogen Balance and Some Rumen Characteristics in Karadi Lambs. 2021. Suzan Muhamad Nur Muhamad. Indian Journal of Ecology (2021) 48 Special Issue (15): 192-195
7- Effect of Anise Seeds (Pimpinella anisum L.) as Feed Additives on the Productive Performance and Some Blood Parameters of Lactating Cows. 2021. Suzan Muhamad Nur Muhamad, Mhabad Ebrahim Saed, Adnan Heme Seid Resol, Shakir Abdl Amir Hassan. Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN: 1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 3, Pages. 8435 – 8438.