2023: (Ph. D in Soil Fertility and Fertilization). The title of the thesis is (DRIS Analysis for Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Under Fertilization With (N,P, and K) in a Calcareous Soil). Department of Soil and Water, College of Agriculture Engineering Sciences, University of Salahaddin - Erbil, Kurdistan IRAQ.
2014 - 2015: (M.Sc in Soil Fertility and Fertilization). Department of Soil and Water, College of Agriculture Engineering Sciences, University of Salahaddin - Erbil, Kurdistan IRAQ.
2003 - 2004: (B.Sc in Soil Science). Department of Soil and Water, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, IRAQ.
(2015) Assistant lecturer of Soil Fertility and Fertilization, Department of Soil and Water, College of Agriculture Engineering Sciences, University of Salahaddin - Erbil, Kurdistan IRAQ.
(2023) Lecturer of Soil Fertility and Fertilization, Department of Soil and Water, College of Agriculture Engineering Sciences, University of Salahaddin - Erbil, Kurdistan IRAQ.