

Managerial Skills

-      Freelancer physiology.

-      Freelancer speaker.

-      International personal mentor (undergraduate and MSC students) at Bangor University, UK, from 2010-2011.

-      International personal mentor (undergraduate and MSC students) at Kent University, UK, from 2012-2013.

Teaching & Laboratories Skills

-      Supporting staff on several sessions on laboratory techniques in applied sport and exercise physiology.

-      Leading a session on laboratory technique to measure pain threshold, tolerance, EMG, blood lactate analysis and VO2 max.

Job related skills                                                

-      Chairman of the disciplinary committee of students for Cihan University, 2018-2019.

-      Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Department of Sports at Cihan University, 2016-2020.

-      Football Academy Director, Erbil Sport Club.2015-2020

-      Technical & Development member of Iraqi Football Federation 2020.

-      General super visor at the talented center of Iraqi football Federation 2020.

  • Member of Iraqi Football Federation from 2020 to 2021.