
Dr. Ari Nabi earned his doctorate (PhD) in molecular biology in 2011 at Foggia University in Italy, where he is currently a Post-Doc Fellow,

Since 2016, he has been  Assistant Professor in  Molecular Microbiology. Since then, he has instructed PhD and M.Sc. students in the following subjects: Cytogenetics, Bioinformatics, Genome Analysis, Advanced Molecular Biology, Advanced BioMolecular Techniques, and Advanced Molecular Methods.

He just began instructing advanced molecular methods and their use in medicine to medical and surgical students at Foggia University (Italy). Additionally, in 2022 he served as a virtual visiting professor and taught Advance Biomolecular Techniques in the Doctorate School in Neurosciences at Foggia University (Italy)'s Medical School.

Formerly in charge of instructing undergraduate courses, he formerly instructed fourth-class biology students in Biomolecular Techniques, third-class biomedical students in Molecular Biology II, and fourth-year ecology students in Ecology IV. He also instructed first-year biology students in biology and English.

Dr. Ari earned his M.Sc. in 2005, and in 2006, he began working as an assistant lecturer at Salahaddin University and also at Shaqlawa Medical Institute, where he taught hematology theory and practical genetics as well as practical zoology.

Dr. Ari received his degree from Salahaddin University in 2001 and was ranked seventh out of 107 biology students and eleventh overall in the college.

Additionally, Dr. Nabi collaborated on Agro-Industrial Project Monitoring with the UN-F.A.O. He worked as a laboratory technician in the biology department of the Science College, where he taught Practical Molecular Biology, from 2002 until he earned his M.Sc.