

Arshad Khaleel Asaad started his academic career in 2020 at Salahaddin University–Erbil

 at the first He  joined the College of Arts & Media-Department of Radioand T.V Salahaddin University–Erbil- 2020

Arshad Khaleel Asaad earned his master Degree  Investigative Journalism (People's Dependency on Investigative Journalism in Kurdish Channels for Getting Information in 2016. Salahaddin University–Erbi.

Arshad Khaleel Asaad earned his Doctor of Philosophy Degree  Investigative Journalism & Public Interest Journalism (The Role of the Investigative Media In the Construction of Public Interest Journalism In the Kurdistan Region in 2023. Salahaddin University–Erbil

before to entering the academic career, He worked in the field of journalism for 12  years, practicing the work of a reporter, editor, member of editorial board, and editorial secretary in group of local and international Media.

Arshad Khaleel Asaad n is interested and specialized in writing about the following research areas:-

1.arshad kh.shwani (2014) Media and Political awareness.

2.arshad kh.shwani (2019) Investigation Journalism.

3 .arshad kh.shwani (2020) Occpationl Safety for Journalist

Journal Articles:

1. arshad kh.shwani(2011) Scientific Research about Media rolling in Enhancing Awareness.

2. arshad kh.shwani (2013) Scientific Research about news rudaw and NRT.   

3. arshad kh.shwani (2013) Scientific Research about making political culture

Arshad Khaleel Asaad is a member of Worked in waar media network  for 4 years. Member of journal Syndicate of Kurdistan and International..Member of Camera association.. Head of social awareness for youth in KRG. Monitor in NGOs / Head of Librarian of Kalak District.. He is also a member in IFJ (International Federation of Journalisim).