

Bahar zayr muhamed


- I was born in Kurdistan -Iraq-Erbil  in 1980.

- I graduated in the Department of Kurdish language  at the college of art in Salahaddin University -Erbil 2002.

- In 2009 I got an MA degree in linguistic (sociolinguistic ) and my Master Thesis under the title: the social roles in Kurdish language .

     * in 2021 I got PhD degree in linguistic ( pragmatic)

         and my PhD Thesis under the title:(Argumentation Mechanisms in formulation of  News)

Now I'm working as a   lecturer in the Department of Kurdish language  in college of basic education





-          Teaching in Salaheddin University since 2009

-          IT

-          Language, IELTS level, 5 

-          Writer


Teaching experience:

-          Theorical linguistics

-          Diversity education

-          Pragmatics

-          Morphology

Research and publications

-The metaphorical imagination of time:

from the perception of language to the perception of the mind

-The Anfal metaphors in light of the interactionist theory

(The Graveyards of Lamps)by Sherko bekas as sample

-Rhetorical Argumentation in formal News.

-Logic Argumentation in formal News.

- A decors strategi in Nali and salm letters.

Conferences and courses attended

--          Participation in several workshops and training courses between Salahaddin University and the FAU University of Germany in the field of leadership, teaching, and community education under the following titles:

-          “Entrepreneurship Education” from13-7-2017 to3-8-2017 at the German University (FAU) in Nuremberg.

-          “Current Trends in Diversity Education”, “Higher Education Didactics”, Competence Oriented Assessment in Teaching”, and “Videos in Higher Education and Training” from 19/07/2019 to 21/07/2019 at FAU, Germany in the city of Nuremberg.

-          “Teacher Education and Society: Potentials and Innovations in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq” from 29/10/2020 to 22/12/2020 and 13/07/ 2020 to 23/07/2020


Funding and academic awards

-3 academic awards from

-2 award from minister of high education.

Professional memberships

-          List any membership you hold of any professional body or learned society relevant to your research or other life activities.


Professional Social Network Accounts:


-google scholar


-Research gat



It is also recommended to create an academic cover letter for your CV, for further information about the cover letter, please visit below link:








