

Personal Detais:

Bashdar Hussein Mohammed started his academic career in 2020 at Salahaddin University–Erbil, at the first He joined the College of Arts & Media-Department of Radioand T.V Salahaddin University–Erbil- 2020. Bashdar Hussein Mohammed earned his master Degree (The Role of Shows of The Kurdish Satallite Channels In Making Social Values By The Mass People) in 2016.

Obtained the degree on 10/12/2019

Degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD in Media (Public Reliance on Digital Media of Kurdish Satellite channels for Social Awareness Programs) in 2024. Salahaddin University–Erbil. before to entering the academic career, He worked in the field of journalism for 10 years, practicing the work of a reporter, editor, member of editorial board, and editorial secretary in group of local and international Media. Bashdar Hussein Mohammed is a member of Worked as a news writer at Newroz Radio for 2 years. Working as a presenter of the programme(zhinga u zhyan) at Zanayan Radio for two years. Working as a reporter at Cham journal for one year. Working as staff writers for media journal for one year,issued by Hawler technical institute. Writing subject, article for Hawlati, Hawler and Zanko Journal. Working as a committee member of paramuch journal at Salahaddin University,college of Arts. Worked as a reporter at Waar T.V for three and half years. Working In media since 2007. Training Certificates holding a certificate in Photographic and video arts. Holding a certificate in creating economical journalism Project at (ASK). Holding a certificate in T.V broadcasting (Ikerax IQ). Holding a certificate in T.V reporting at (Iraqi Civil Society). Holding a certificate in English language learning at language center, Salahading University, Level:intermediate. Bashdar Hussein Mohammed is interested and specialized in writing about the following research areas:

1.Bashdar Hussein Mohammed (2020) Media Sociology.

2.Bashdar Hussein Mohammed (2021) Television Videografy.