
       Binin Mustafa has taught English for University Students since 2019. She has MA in English Language and Linguistics. Apart from that, she is also specialized in Academic Writing, Morphology, History of English Language, History of English Culture, and Pragmatics and also has a great interest in pedagogy.

   Since 2021 she is also working at College of Languages, English Department and she contributes in many ways teaching History of English Language, History of English Culture,  Morphology to third year students, Interpreting to fourth year students, and Reading and Writing to first year students in Translation department. 

   At the beginning of the new academic year of 2022 she became a member of the " Complaints Committee", working alongside professional lecturers who work at the University Presidency office. 

   She has a published book entitled 'Toward the Light' which contains a number of one of the most famous and successful Kurdish writers (Prof. Maruf Khaznadar's) sayings. The sayings are collected from his seven memoirs. 

    A dedicated lecturer, she uses the most innovative and effective ways to teach in her class. She recently has been using entrepreneurial method of teaching. According to a questionnaire which has been answered by %92 of her students, it shows that her method even though new for the students, but it was very beneficial for them in many areas.