Welcome to my Academic Profile page. PhD holder from University of Pavia-Italy as a partnership with SU, earned his M.Sc. degree in Natural products/ Phytochemistry from the University of Pavia-Italy. In 2012. Currently, a staff member at the college of Science at Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region-Iraq . During his PhD, he published six International Scientific Indexing (ISI) peer reviewed paper, and presented his research in three international conferences. Received the Best Paper (discovery) Award at the Salahaddin University, 2017 in Erbil, Kurdistan for his paper. As well as, having various collaboration research with international research center. Research interests include the area of medicinal plant such as: Excellent experienced in working on medicinal plants, isolation and identification of non-volatile bioactive compounds and volatile (essential oils) using MPLC, LC, GC-MS-MS, TLC and open column chromatography (Normal and Reverse phase), elucidation of their structures using 1H,13C-NMR ID and 2D ( DEPT, COSY, NOESY, HMBC and HSQC) and ESI-Mass-spectroscopies as well as synthesis of Nano-Particle, through the biological points of view, bioassay on total extract, fractions and pure compounds in vitro several antifungal, anticancer (MTT assay), antioxidant (DPPH) and radical scavenging activities (RSA). Total synthesis and modification of chemical structures
Clarivate Analytics ID, web of Science Research ID: 7-8725-2019
Scopus ID: /detail.uri?authorId=57193524979
Sciprofile: MDPI: ID: Fuad Abdullah (
API Key: dda50f5cf7d3b65955f917ae778eb7d48408
NCBI : 0000-0002-1428-5073
Memeber: Phytochemical Society of Europe
Natural products in drug discovery
Reviewer: -Natural product research Journal
-Trends in Phytochemical Research Journal
-Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica - Drug Research
- Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society
- Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia
-Zanco Journal of Pure and apply science
-Science Journal of University of Zakho
- ARO Scientific Journal of Uni-Koya
-Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
Editor Board :
ZANCO Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences
Teaching several topics, i.e.
1- Phyto-Chemistry
2- Stero-Chemistry
3- Pharmacognosy
4- Organic Chemistry
5- Natural product chemistry
6-Identification of Organic compounds.
Research Interest:
1- Isolation and purification of Bio-active compounds from Natural sources, such as, medicinal plants and Marin organisms
2-Identification of elucidation of Organic Compounds
3- Synthesis of Nano-Particle and characterization such as: HRSEM, XRD, TEM, FTIR, and UV-Vis....etc