Graduated in July 1996 with a First Class Honors Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Salahaddin, Erbil, Iraq. Right after that I served as teaching assistant for 8 years (1997-2004) in Mechanical Department, college of engineering. Then, I acquired Master Degree in manufacturing engineering in 2007, then served as Assistant Lecturer in the same department teaching: computer programming, visual Basic program, production, Finite Element methods, Ansys software, non-traditional manufacturing processes,Casting technology ,Engineering Drawing as well as many workshops and Laboratories subjects. Then I received Doctorate Degree in production in 2020 from Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, Salahaddin University. I, also, participated in several colleague and department committees such as Examination, Quality assurance, Health and Safety and then Curriculum Committee. My research interests include welding of materials such as Steel and Aluminum.