

·       Full name: Hajan Muhammad Ma’ruf

·       Born on May,9th,1984.

·       Admitted to Primary school in 1990.

·       Admitted to Private Nilufer Girl’s College in 1996.

·       Admitted to the College of Languages (formerly College of Arts) Department of English in 2003.

·       Graduated in 2007 (Top student of English Department and also college of Languages), and admitted to MA studies in English Language and Linguistics.

·       Taught an English course at the Isik Centre of Languages for a period of three months.

·       Worked as a coordinator with the Office of Coordination fore United Nations Affairs (OCUNA) for (Oct. 2008 - Feb. 2010) 15 months under the supervision of the Coordinator Dr.Dindar Zebari.

·       Got (MA) Mastery of English in 2009-2010.

·       Employed as a teacher in College of Languages/ Salahaddin University-Erbil from January 2010.