
An academic feminist, interesting in Human rights, Humanity sciense.

Hope justice in the whole world.

Teaching students to respect Human beings, law, rules and orders.

An applicable international law will find itself according to equality between states, with peaceful circumstances, nowadays nor equality neither peace. could be found in international community.


1.     Ph.D.  Ahmed Ibrahim kulliya of law, International Islamic University Malaysia (2014).

2.     MA.  College of law / Salahaddin University- Erbil, Iraq (2005)

3.     Bch.  law & politics college, University of Salahaddin- Erbil, Iraq (1999)



1.    Head of dean's office/ college of Law (1999-2003)

2.    Reporter of the law department/ college of law (2005)

3.    Manager of law office/ Ministry of Higher Education and scientific research.(2006 – 2009)

4.    Lecturer in the college of law& political science. (2006- present).

Publications In Arabic Languge 

1- Books

-        International protection of Human Right: challenges & solutions, 2017

-        The impact of the globalization of Human Rights on the principle of sovereignty, Erbil, 2005

2- Researches 

1-Compliants Mechanisms for Human Rights Violations: Critical study, qalay zanist magazine, LFU, Summer 2022.

2- The Right of internationalize assassination Crime: Analytical study in the light of the Special Court of Lebanon, Tikrit University Journal for Rights, Year (6), Vol (6), No (1) (2021).

3- The right of victims of Human Rights violations to obtain assistance, Tikrit University Journal for rights, December 2020.

4- The Institutions of Human Rights protection in Islamic Law activate it in (OIC), Jil Magazine of Human Rights – Jil Scientific Research Center, Lebanon, 9, 2016.

5- Alternative means for the judiciary to resolve disputes functional – administrative system of the United Nations model, Law & Political science magazine, Erbil, 18, 2015.

6- The Watchful Committee on the application of the Arab Charter on Human Rights, Huquq magazine, Kuwait, 2, 2011.

7- Legal qualification of the sovereignty of Iraq in light of the Resolution (1859), Tarazu magazine, Erbil, 38-39, 2009.


some of conferences and workshop attendance

1.     Workshop on (Student project and research challenge (SPARC)), Erbil (2022).

2.     Workshop on (Artificial Intelligence in life and research (AILAR)), Erbil (2022).

3.     Trainer in Empowering Women leadership – Erbil (May – 2016).

4.     Participator in international Law conference – Malaysia (2012).

5.     Participator in Iraqi Constitutional workshop – Erbil (29 March 2007)

-        Teaching qualifications


Public International Law, master's degree (2023-2024).


1- Human Rights Law, full time, law department (2023-present)

2. International organizations, full time, law department, college of law (2022).

3- International law, full time, Law department, college of Law, (2019-2021).

4- International Human Rights Law, Law department, undergraduate level, (2017-2018)

5- Administrative Law, Full time "Law" Department, Undergraduate level.(2016)

6- International Organizations, Full time "Law" Department, Undergraduate level.(2015)

7- International Trade Law (In English), Full time "Law" Department, Undergraduate level. (2008-2009)

8- History of Law including Islamic & Romanian Law, Full time, (2007)

9- Public International Law & Humanitarian Law in both international and Islamic law full time in "Law" Department, (SU) college 0f Law and Political science -Erbil. Undergraduate level. (2006)

10- Introduction to law full time in "Islamic Sciences College" Department, (SU) college 0f Islamic studies -Erbil. undergraduate level. (2006).