

  • Diploma in Arabic Language, Teachers central institute - Erbil
  • B.A. Degree in Psychology, University of Salahaddin - Erbil
  • MSc. in Educational Psychology, University of Salahaddin - Erbil
  • PhD. Psychological Well-being, Leicester University- UK

Research interest

  • My PhD research is focused on Psychological well-Being. I am particularly interested in looking at well-being  among people who live under stress.
  • Additionally, I am looking to the possible association of psychological well-being with forgiveness, quality of life, prejudice and social identity. Furthermore, I am interested in investigating the factors that underlie Forgiveness, such as social factors and Culture among refugees.
  • I am interested to conduct cross-cultural studies that relate to Positive psychology.



  • Voluntary works in non-government organizations published cooperated with a public aid organizations. Arabic Language
  • Voluntary works in non-government organizations published cooperated with public aid organizations. Kurdish Language
  • The Principle of General Psychology, Rozhhalat publisher, Erbil. Kurdish Language
  • Introduction to Educational Psychology, Hevi publisher, Erbil. Kurdish Language.
  • Positive Psychology New perspective of Psychology, Kurdish Language, Frboon Publisher
  • A Contemporary Perspective to Developmental Psychology, Kurdish Language. Frboon Publisher
  • Learning theories, Erbil. Kurdish Language, In press.
  • Peacebuilding and social cohesion among Iraqi individuals in Sunni governorates, Erbil. Arabic + English Languages, In press



·         Aziz. Izaddin A and Dr. Umer, Aziz, (2012). Critical Thinking and its Relationship to the Emotional Intelligence of Basic Schools Teachers in Erbil. AL-Mustansriya University Journal. Baghdad, Iraq

·         Aziz. Izaddin A, Claire V Hutchinson. , Maltby. John (2014) Quality of life of Syrian refugees living in camps in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

·         Murat Yildirim, Izaddin A. Aziz (2017) Psychometric properties of Turkish form of the Fear of Happiness Scale

·         Izaddin A. Aziz, Murat Yildirim (under reviews) Investigating the Relationship between Psychological Trait Resilience and Forgiveness among Internally Displaced Persons in Iraq.

·         Izaddin A. Aziz, Nuaf AL-Shahri, Murat Yildirim (under reviews) Does self-esteem mediate the relationship between gratitude and well-being?

.        Aziz. Izaddin A; Hassan, Sumaya sami (2019), Investigating the Association between Psychological Well-being and Hope among the IDPs in Erbil. Presented at Second Educational Conference of Colleges of Basic Education in Kurdistan Region. April 27th-28th 2019/ Salahddin University Cultural Centre.


Academic papers Presentation

·         Aziz, Izaddin A (December 2014). Exploring the association between Quality of life and psychological well-being among the Syrian refugees. Presented at Postgraduate Research Student Conference, University of Leicester, Leicester.

·         Aziz. Izaddin A, Claire V Hutchinson. , Maltby. John (2016) Exploring the association between Quality of Life and (EEA) Resilience among Syrian refugees. Presented at the Annual Conference that held on 26-28 April in Nottingham. Organized by British psychological society.

·         Aziz. Izaddin A, Claire V Hutchinson. , Maltby. John (2016) An investigation of the association between the (EEA) Resilience model and Psychological well-being among Iraqi IDPs in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. Presented at the 8th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies. Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre 22 - 25 June, Melbourne, Australia.

·         Aziz. Izaddin A (2017) The educational role in confronting violence and constructing peace attitudes (Concerns, Responsibilities, and Challenges) Presented at the Annual Conference organised by Ministry of Culture, Kurdistan Region/Iraq. Saad Abdulla Hall 06-07th December. Erbil-Iraq.

Aziz, Izaddin Ahmad; Yaldrim, Gabriella NUCERA3, Giuseppe FERRARI4, Francesco CHIRICO (2022), Self-compassion mediates the relationship between mindfulness and flourishing. J Health Soc Sci. 2022;7(1):89–98. Doi:10.19204/2022/SLFC6. 

The Italian Journal for Interdisciplinary Health and Social Development.

Aziz, Izaddin Ahmad; Yaldrim, Murat; Hassan, Mahmood  Nawzad, Vostanis, Panos (2022), Associations between resilience, hope, social support, feeling belongingness, satisfaction with life, and flourishing among minority Syrian Refugees, Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse

Associations among resilience, hope, social support, feeling belongingness, satisfaction with life, and flourishing among Syrian minority refugees: Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse: Vol 0, No 0 (



Aziz. Izaddin A (2007) Annual Report on Youths’ issues in Kurdistan, produced in collaboration with the Kurdistan Youth Empowerment Organization (KYEO), Erbil / Iraq.

Aziz. Izaddin A (2008) Annual Report on Youths’ issues in Kurdistan, produced in collaboration with the Kurdistan Youth Empowerment Organization (KYEO), Erbil / Iraq.

Aziz. Izaddin A (2010) Annual Report on Youths’ issues in Kurdistan, produced in collaboration with the Kurdistan Youth Empowerment Organization (KYEO), Erbil / Iraq.

Izaddin A. Aziz, PhD; Mahmood Nawzad Hassan Khoshnaw, and Jovita Culaton Viray (2018) Livelihood and Skills Needs Analysis and Pre-Registration Gawilan Camp 2018, for the Syrian refugees' ages (18-35 years). Conducted for United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).


Teaching Experience

  • General Psychology First-year undergraduate at the University of Salahaddin.
  • Statistic - second-year undergraduate University of Salahaddin and Soran University.
  • Social psychology second-year undergraduate at the University of Salahaddin.
  • Educational Psychology second-year undergraduate at the University of Salahaddin.
  • Research methods third-year undergraduate Soran University.
  • Environmental Psychology third-year undergraduate at the University of Salahaddin.
  • Positive Psychology MSc degree at the University of Salahaddin.