
I’m Kameran Jewher Abdullah (lecture). I was born on 9 March 1979 in Erbil. I finished primary school at Negar School in Erbil. Scudery school Saida salah Yousef finished in Erbil. Preparatory graduated from Mahwy in the Erbil year (2005–2006). Bachelors, Salahaddin University, College of Arts, Department of Sociology (2009–2010) in Erbil-Kurdistan rank second among the graduating students. I worked for about three years in the department of sociology as an assistant researcher at the same university. Master degree in Salahaddin University, College of Arts, Department of Sociology (11/May/2016) in Erbil-Kurdistan. I’m working as a lecturer in the department of sociology at the University of Salahaddin.