
Academic Biography 

undergraduate of sociology ,salahaddin University , College of Arts , Sociology Department .2006-2007 

assistant researcher , Scientific and Management assistant in the sociology Department  2007-2010

Degree master of Sociology in Specific (Feminist and Peace studies) in the Egypt 2015 in Alexandria University 

teaching methods pedagogy  , Salahadin University , continue Learning 2015  

2015 – 2016             Lecturer, the Educational and Psychological Dep , Education College, Salahaddin University/Erbil, Kurdistan.

2016                           Conducted fieldwork including individual and focus group interviews key informants and beneficiaries in Iraq, as part of a 4- country final external evaluation 'Empowering persons with disabilities and injuries within the Syrian population' conducted in Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria n commissioned by Handicap International of the project.

2015                           Co-founder and researcher, Mesopotamia Institute for Social Research, Erbil, Kurdistan. Mesopotamia Institute for Social Researches an independent, not-for-profit institute, focused on policy issues relating to the people, the land and the system of governance in the Middle East in general, As well as Kurdistan and Iraq in particular.

2007 – 2011             Assistant Researcher of Sociology, University of Salahaddin, Erbil, Kurdistan. Salahaddin University -Erbil.

2016                                  1january -31may 2016 –Educational Consultant .Erbil- Basirma Camp for Refugees, IDP, host Community by Terre des homes

2016                                 2 august -2 September -2016-Social Consultant. Erbil –Qushtapa, Basirma, and Dara shakran Camps (Refugee Stories Record) the project submitted by American University in Dihouk

Lecture and Trainer

2008                                5 january- 15march Trainer of Human Rights Basics for 20 High and Secondary schools in Erbil, Submitted by Kurdistan Institute for Human Rights.

2009                                  1April-20june Trainer of Social Relationship and Good use for IT, for 30 high Schools, Institutions, Colleges, in Erbil submitted by Women Empowerment Organization (WEO).

2010                                  20July-1August Trainer of Keep Environment and develop it for 100 yang’s, in Soran Town –Erbil, Submitted by Together to Protect human and Environment Association.

Civil Society Affiliations

2008 - Present        Kurdistan Institute for Human Rights.

2006 - Present        Kurdistan Sociological Association.

2015-Present           Peace and Freedom Organization

2013-present                    stop Organization for Anti-corruption

2005-2008                        American Society for Kurd ASK

2016-present                   Aram House for Old care and Social Consulate

2019-present                   Zhin  Association for Disability 

Acknowledgement and appreciation

Erbil Education Management -2006-2007

Erbil Government Committee 2020

Kurdistan union women 2020

Kurdistan union women 2021

Salahaddin University - Quality Insurance director, College of Arts- 2018

Language Skills

·      Kurdish (Sorani and Kirmanji dialectic)–Native speaker

·      Arabic- Fluency in written and spoken

·      English- intermediate