
I am graduated in Social Sciences Department in Salahaddin University/ College of Basic Education (2008-2009). M.Sc. in Methods of Teaching at Salahaddin University, (2015).

I recently accomplished and attained the PhD degree in Methods of Teaching / Geography and now I am a member of academic staff in physic Department in the College of education/shaqlawa and teaching courses for Bachelor.

Here are my researches: 

1- Educational behavior and its relationship to self-regulation among basic education teachers (Tikrit University Journal), for the Humanities, Volume (25) Issue (9) 2018, (313-341). 

2- The effect of using the Fryer model on eleventh grade students’ achievement of geography and developing their geographical survey (Journal of the University of Dohuk, Al-Majd 22, Issue 22 (Humanities and Social Sciences), pp. 126-167-2019). 

3- The role of educational supervision methods in developing the professional performance of social studies teachers in Erbil Governorate, (Journal of the College of Education for Human Sciences - Dhi Qar University). 

4- Learning styles and their relationship to decision-making among students of the College of Basic Education (Psychological Research Center, Al-Majd 33 - Issue 3 - 2022). 

5- The effect of the PECS and question grid strategies on the achievement of geography among eleventh grade female students, Al-Fath Magazine, College of Basic Education - University of Diyala, Volume (27) Issue (4) for the year 2024. 

6- The impact of the educational pillars strategy in developing mental reasoning among seventh-grade students in the social subject (Tikrit University Journal of Humanities, College of Education, (Volume (31) Issue (1) - year 2024). 

7- The effect of the PECS strategies and the network of questions in developing positive thinking among eleventh grade female students in geography, Al-Baheth Magazine, College of Education for Human Sciences, University of Karbala, Volume 42, Issue (2), Part One - April 2023.