
Name is Nazenin Shekh Muhemad. Born and live in Erbil.  I teach  at English Department- College of Education- Salahaddin University.  Doctor in applied linguistics. I studied  English language and then pursued my Master's degree to become an English teacher. Since 2017, I have been teaching English as a foreign or as a second language. Teaching hasn't always been easy, even though I've attended lots of workshops, training sessions, and internships. The idea of preparing before class, focusing on students during lessons, and then continuing to work afterward to correct homework or exams sometimes gets hard. It's hard to separate work life as teacher from personal life. But there are many good things about teaching, and most importantly, as teacher we get to meet so many different people. Sometimes as a teacher we think, it is our responsibility to not only teach students things but also to motivate them and help them to do their best. So they need an environment where they feel comfortable and confident to ask questions and share their ideas. Every student is different, and this makes hard to teachers sometimes to help each of them learn. Not to forget teaching is very sacred and  fun.