
Teaching Vision :   The teaching vision aims to provide education for all and excel in building a knowledge society by enhancing the quality of its processes and outcomes. It seeks to achieve quality that meets contemporary requirements and contributes to preparing a generation of distinguished graduates capable of facing future challenges. The vision focuses on aligning educational outcomes with future skills, enhancing the quality and efficiency of the educational process, and developing a learning environment that fosters creativity and innovation to meet development needs. It also aims to equip learners with the values and skills necessary to become responsible citizens aware of their duties towards family, society, and the nation.    The university aspires to be a leader in higher education by adopting the latest educational and technological methods and providing an academic environment that promotes innovation and creativity. It also seeks to enhance its role as an influential educational institution contributing to community development and building a sustainable knowledge economy.  

Teaching Mission: The teaching mission of the university focuses on providing comprehensive and distinguished education that meets the academic and professional needs of students and enhances their abilities in critical thinking, analysis, and creativity. The university, in collaboration with the faculty, is committed to offering diverse and advanced study programs that meet the needs of the job market and improve students' employment and professional development opportunities. It also aims to build effective partnerships with academic, research, and industrial institutions at the local and international levels to exchange knowledge and experiences and promote scientific research and innovation. Additionally, it seeks to instill ethical and professional values in students, encouraging them to positively contribute to society, and to provide a supportive educational environment that respects diversity and encourages cooperation and community participation.