
Nian Khidr Aziz, MSc.


I am a full-time Lecturer in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE). I earned my MSc in Computer Sciences from Salahaddin University-Erbil in 2014 and a Higher Diploma in IT from the Software Engineering Department at the same university in 2005. I have published five papers to date in peer-reviewed journals.

I am passionate about volunteering within the academic community. I have organized various activities, such as the Staff2Student initiative, which involved donating electrical equipment from teaching staff to students, and the Students2Community project, which included fundraising for children's hospitals. Additionally, I have coordinated numerous social events within the department to promote networking.

I teach IT and academic debate to first-year students, enjoying the opportunity to help new students develop skills in both IT and communication.