
D. Nigar Fadhel Muhammad

Lecturer at department of Law - College of Law - University of Salahaddin -Erbil

Scientific Title:  Lecturer

General Specialization: General Law

Specific Specialization: Administrative Law

holder of PhD of arts at Administrative Law at 2023. 

  holder Master of arts at Administrative Law at 2014 .    

 work Experience:

 - 2007 - 2011 researcher assistant at department of Law - College of Law and politics - University of Salahaddin.

-  2011 - 2015 researcher at department of Law - College of Law and politics - University of Salahaddin.

 -  2015 - 2022: assistant lecturer at College of Law - University of Salahaddin.   

- 2017 - 2021: PHD student College of Law - University of Salahaddin.

- 23- 1- 2022 up to date: lecturer  at College of Law  - University of Salahaddin.