
Omar Qarani Aziz was born in Erbil (Iraq) in 1967. He received the B.S. degree in civil Engineering from the University of Salahaddin (Erbil) in 1990, M.S. and Ph.D. degree in Structural Engineering from the University of Technology (Baghdad) in 1993 and 1997 respectively.

He is a faculty member in the Department of Civil Engineering, Salahaddin University since 1993. He is currently Professor in Civil Engineering Department, teaching Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, author of more than 80 peer-reviewed publications. His research interests include the area of Deep beams, Corbels, fiber concrete, shear of high and ultra high performance concrete beams and slabs, punching shear strength of flat plate and flat slabs, prestressed concrete bridges and post tensioned box girder bridges. He was Head of Architectural department, Engineering College, 2005-2006, Head (Manager) of Building Directorate of University of Salahaddin, 2004-2005, Member of the committee of Salahaddin new Campus 2002-2009, Head of the committee of Soran University Campus, 2007-2009, Head and member for different teams and committees in College of Engineering and University of Salahaddin, Head of the committee for tendering and tender document for projects of Salahaddin University, 2000-2005. Member of postgraduate committee in civil engineering department, Member of editorial board of Journal of Pure and Applied Science, Salahaddin University, 2009 to 2012, Head of the committee for upgrading (Promotion) of staffs in College of Eng., Salahaddin University, 2011-2015, Co-Chair of the First International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Technology (SU-ICEIT2016), Member of the ACI, President of ACI Iraq chapter for 2017, Board of Directors and founder member of ACI Iraqi chapter in 2014,  President of ACI Kurdistan chapter, Member of editorial board of several international engineering journals, Journal of Civil Engineering, Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, EASR,…etc. Peer reviewer of several scientific journals and publishing center such ACI, Elsevier, ETASR…etc.  Design and Supervising (as a consultant) of different concrete and steel structures, Supervising Nine MSc and seven PhD Thesis in Structural Engineering, Shared more than twenty conferences and symposiums in different universities and countries.