Dr. Omed Saleem Khalind
University of Salahaddin - Erbil
College of Engineering
Department of Software Engineering
I am Omed Saleem Khalind, full-time Lecturer at the department of Software and Informatics Engineering in Salahaddin University-Erbil. I've got Ph.D. in Software Engineering/ Information Security at University of Portsmouth - UK.
I have taught different core subjects of Software Engineering, like; Software Engineering, Algorithms and Problem Solving, Compilers, Computer Architecture II and Computer Applications. Now, I am teaching Object-Oriented Programming using Java to second year students of Software and Informatics Engineering Department, at College of Engineering. I also supervised two groups of four students each for their graduation projects this year.
I have worked on different Capacity Development Programs for five years with many NGOs, and participated in tens of workshops and training courses in this field. Also, participated in many workshops for Management Skills and other relevant subjects.
Finally, I always want to be a LEADER, not a BOSS...